Non-connected reductive groups

Chevie.Sscoset β€” Module

Quasi-Semisimple elements of non-connected reductive groups

We also use Coxeter cosets to represented non-connected reductive groups of the form 𝐆 β‹Š Οƒ where 𝐆 is a connected reductive group and Οƒ is an algebraic automorphism of 𝐆; more specifically to represent the coset 𝐆 .Οƒ. We may always choose Οƒβˆˆ 𝐆 β‹…Οƒ quasi-semisimple, which means that Οƒ preserves a pair 𝐓 βŠ‚ 𝐁 of a maximal torus and a Borel subgroup of 𝐆, and further quasi-central, which means that the Weyl group of C_𝐆 (Οƒ) is W^Οƒ. Then Οƒ defines an automorphism F_0 of the root datum (X(𝐓 ), Ξ¦, Y(𝐓 ), Ξ¦^∨), thus a Coxeter coset. We refer to Digne-Michel2018 for details.

We have extended the functions for semi-simple elements to work with quasi-semisimple elements tΟƒβˆˆ 𝐓 β‹…Οƒ. Here, as in Digne-Michel2018, Οƒ is a quasi-central automorphism uniquely defined by a diagram automorphism of (W,S), taking Οƒ symplectic in type Aβ‚‚β‚™.

Here are some examples:

julia> WF=rootdatum(:u,6)

We can see WF as the coset GL₆⋅σ where Οƒ is the composed of transpose, inverse and the longest element of W.

julia> l=quasi_isolated_reps(WF)
4-element Vector{SemisimpleElement{Root1}}:

we define an element tΟƒβˆˆ 𝐓 β‹…Οƒ to be quasi-isolated if the Weyl group of C_𝐆 (tΟƒ) is not in any proper parabolic subgroup of W^Οƒ. This generalizes the definition for connected groups. The above shows the elements t where tΟƒ runs over representatives of quasi-isolated quasi-semisimple classes of 𝐆 β‹…Οƒ. The given representatives have been chosen Οƒ-stable.

julia> centralizer.(Ref(WF),l)
4-element Vector{ExtendedCox{Perm{Int16}, FiniteCoxeterGroup{Perm{Int16},Rational{Int64}}}}:

in the above example, the groups C_𝐆 (tΟƒ) are computed and displayed as extended Coxeter groups (following the same convention as for centralisers in connected reductive groups).

We define an element tΟƒβˆˆ 𝐓 β‹…Οƒ to be isolated if the Weyl group of C_𝐆 (tΟƒ)⁰ is not in any proper parabolic subgroup of W^Οƒ. This generalizes the definition for connected groups.

julia> isisolated.(Ref(WF),l)
4-element BitVector:
PermGroups.Groups.centralizer β€” Method


WF should be a Coxeter coset representing an algebraic coset 𝐆 β‹…Οƒ, where 𝐆 is a connected reductive group (represented by 'W:=Group(WF)'), and Οƒ is a quasi-central automorphism of 𝐆 defined by WF. The element t should be a semisimple element of 𝐆. The function returns an extended reflection group describing C_𝐆 (tΟƒ), with the reflection group part representing C_𝐆 ⁰(tΟƒ), and the diagram automorphism part being those induced by C_𝐆 (tΟƒ)/C_𝐆 (tΟƒ)⁰ on C_𝐆 (tΟƒ)⁰.

julia> WF=rootdatum(:u,6)

julia> s=ss(Group(WF),[1//4,0,0,0,0,3//4])
SemisimpleElement{Root1}: <ΞΆβ‚„,1,1,1,1,ΞΆβ‚„Β³>

julia> centralizer(WF,s)

julia> centralizer(WF,one(s))
Chevie.Semisimple.quasi_isolated_reps β€” Method


WF should be a Coxeter coset representing an algebraic coset 𝐆 β‹…Οƒ, where 𝐆 is a connected reductive group (represented by W=Group(WF)), and Οƒ is a quasi-central automorphism of 𝐆 defined by WF. The function returns a list of semisimple elements of 𝐆 such that tΟƒ, when t runs over this list, are representatives of the conjugacy classes of quasi-isolated quasisemisimple elements of 𝐆 β‹…Οƒ (an element tΟƒβˆˆ 𝐓 β‹…Οƒ is quasi-isolated if the Weyl group of C_𝐆 (tΟƒ) is not in any proper parabolic subgroup of W^Οƒ). If a second argument p is given, it lists only those representatives which exist in characteristic p.

julia> WF=rootdatum("2E6sc")

julia> quasi_isolated_reps(WF)
5-element Vector{SemisimpleElement{Root1}}:

julia> quasi_isolated_reps(WF,2)
2-element Vector{SemisimpleElement{Root1}}:

julia> quasi_isolated_reps(WF,3)
4-element Vector{SemisimpleElement{Root1}}:
Chevie.Semisimple.isisolated β€” Method


WF should be a Coxeter coset representing an algebraic coset 𝐆 β‹…Οƒ, where 𝐆 is a connected reductive group (represented by W=Group(WF)), and Οƒ is a quasi-central automorphism of 𝐆 defined by WF. The element t should be a semisimple element of 𝐆. The function returns a boolean describing whether tΟƒ is isolated, that is whether the Weyl group of C_𝐆 (tΟƒ)⁰ is not in any proper parabolic subgroup of W^Οƒ.

julia> WF=rootdatum(:u,6)

julia> l=quasi_isolated_reps(WF)
4-element Vector{SemisimpleElement{Root1}}:

julia> isisolated.(Ref(WF),l)
4-element BitVector: